Cygnet Yarns
May 23, 2019
Crochet - history, facts and patterns
The Word 'CROCHET' comes from the French word 'CROCHE' meaning Hook, with one of the first published crochet patterns appearing in the 1800'

Cygnet Yarns
Dec 7, 2017
On the twelfth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: last minute gifts for the family
It's here! It's finally here. So #knitmas may have seemed a bit of a daft idea back in January, but hopefully it spurred some of you on...

Cygnet Yarns
Nov 20, 2017
On the eleventh month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: perfect Christmas stockings
Nothing screams Christmas more than a fireplace adorned with handknitted Christmas stockings. Or if you live in a featureless box, as I...

Cygnet Yarns
Oct 19, 2017
On the tenth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: handmade Christmas decor
It's never too early to make a start on your Christmas knitting & crochet ... here's a selection of simple, quick Christmas knits

Cygnet Yarns
Oct 19, 2017
On the ninth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: super Christmas jumpers
If you're like me and you plan to start wearing your Christmas jumpers in early November, it's time you got knitting! We don't have a...

Cygnet Yarns
Aug 24, 2017
On the eighth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: 8 gifts for under a tenner...
Let's face it - we haven't chosen the cheapest craft. Non-knitters often think that people make their own clothes and gifts, but little...

Cygnet Yarns
Jul 21, 2017
On the seventh month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: seven scarves and accessoriiiiieees...
In the warm summer months, you don't want to be knitting anything huge so scarves and accessories are the perfect projects to get stuck...

Cygnet Yarns
Jun 22, 2017
On the sixth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: six CROCHET patterns...
Ok, so I'm using the term 'knitmas' somewhat lightly by offering up crochet patterns this month, but I wanted to showcase the fact that...

Cygnet Yarns
May 22, 2017
On the fifth month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns gave to me: fiiiiiiiive childrens' patttterrrrrnnnnn
Sorry - super late again, I know, but we've got so much exciting new stuff arriving that I've had my hands full!!!!! (New Boho. That's...

Cygnet Yarns
Mar 21, 2017
On the third month of #knitmas Cygnet Yarns belatedly gave to me...free baby patterns
Sorry - I'm getting later at this every month! We have had loads of new deliveries here, so it's been pretty hectic! I hope you're all...